Thursday, August 11, 2005

Let's all not be too quick to judge and close our minds

I can't help but feel the urge to let loose the closet blogger so here it goes,

I felt that I really needed to post especially after reading Kenneth's email. Yes, the latest-technology can be daunting. But let's all persevere and keep an open mind and try to approach the entire idea of podcasting from a different and more positive perspective.

I believe that currently, some of us have been too used to the traditional way of teaching and might still be uncomfortable getting out of our comfort zone and trying something truly different. But let's all muck around in the pod-mud together and have fun. Think about it, it's probably more fun than coming up with skits, role-play, dance and rap to teach geography right? Heh. Maybe the grass is finally greener on our side?!

I'm sure that along the way, we will be helping each other out so no worries there. Who knows, we might relish podcasting and actually be using it during our practicum???

It's not that unimaginable....

1 comment:

Banana Saviour said...

Haha! Yeah I did think about how cool it'll be to get whirled up into podcasting (not become total pros lah... but if that's poosible it'll be great!) and to actually use podcast during practicum! Hee. It is indeed achievable if we put our hearts and souls to it. =)